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Hatswork Round-Up: December 27, 2018

In today's Round-Up, we're taking another look at the hospitality sector 1 as it relates to the promo industry. We will also talk about the entertainment market 2 and some of the best and worst caps in the NBA 3.

Promo Marketing

A Roadmap to Successful Sales in the Tourism and Hospitality Market 4

In 2016, the U.S. travel industry generated 2.3 trillion dollars 5. This article discusses providing promotional products to hotels 6, airlines, wineries 7, and more. Last time I was on a cruise ship 8, they gave away Corona caps with every bucket of beer 9.

In addition to hats, consider offering customers promo items that help make the process of traveling more enjoyable like headphones 10, neck pillows, or backpacks 11.


Rise in Music Merch Means Opportunity for Promo Industry 12

We've talked about selling into the entertainment sector 13 before. This article looks specifically at music merch. If you've ever been to a concert, you know the line at the merch table is miles long, and the products are marked up significantly. But there's nothing quite like bringing home a memento after having the night of your life finally seeing your favorite band or musician perform live.

In 2018, with online shopping 14 becoming more popular than ever, artists are selling their merch all year and all around the world instead of just while they're touring big cities. Check out the full article to see more about the music market 15.

CBS Sports

The 2018 NBA Draft Hats Are Out and Here Are the Five Best Looks And the Five Worst 18

Last week, we showed you the NBA Finals cap that looked like it said NRA instead. Today, we're looking at the five best and worst 2018 draft hats. Do you agree with the list?


  1. Memphis 19 Grizzlies

  2. Oklahoma 20 City Thunder

  3. Detroit 21 Pistons 22

  4. Denver 23 Nuggets

  5. NBA 24


  1. Portland Trail Blazers

  2. Los Angeles 25 Lakers

  3. Toronto 26 Raptors

  4. Boston Celtics

  5. Philadelphia 27 76ers

What do you think of the best and worst NBA 28 cap list? Do you have another opinion? Let us know in the comments below.
  1. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/07/09/hospitality-h ats-for-hotels/
  2. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/04/23/sell-wholesal e-hats-entertainment/
  3. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/10/11/hatswork-roun dup-promotional-products-industry/
  4. http://magazine.promomarketing.com/article/roadmap -successful-sales-tourism-hospitality-market/#ne=e ea8df7b24c632f478efea987fc6c45f&utm_source=pro mo-marketing-headlines&utm_medium=newsletter&a mp;utm_campaign=2018-03-28
  5. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/07/16/promotional-h ospitality-rep-your-brand/
  6. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/07/09/hospitality-h ats-for-hotels/
  7. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/02/12/attract-touri sts-agricultural-market/
  8. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/07/16/promotional-h ospitality-rep-your-brand/
  9. https://hatswork.com/blog/2017/07/03/selling-custo m-hats-alcohol-companies/
  10. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/04/30/pitching-prom otional-caps-entertainment/
  11. https://hatswork.com/blog/2016/08/01/back-to-schoo l-branded-hats/
  12. https://www.asicentral.com/news/web-exclusive/febr uary-2018/rise-in-music-merch-means-opportunity-fo r-promo-industry/
  13. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/04/23/sell-wholesal e-hats-entertainment/
  14. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/01/08/sell-custom-c aps-tech-startups/
  15. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/04/30/pitching-prom otional-caps-entertainment/
  16. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/11/05/hat-trends-aw 19-hats-for-women/
  17. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/10/15/selling-hats- public-services-sector/
  18. https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/the-2018-nba-dr aft-hats-are-out-and-here-are-the-five-best-looks- and-the-five-worst/
  19. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/07/12/hatswork-roun dup-promos-3/
  20. https://hatswork.com/blog/2017/06/05/health-care-h ats/
  21. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/03/01/hatswork-roun dup-trade-show-2/
  22. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/01/22/selling-logoe d-caps-local-automobile/
  23. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/03/01/hatswork-roun dup-trade-show-2/
  24. https://hatswork.com/blog/2017/08/31/hatswork-roun dup-hats-work/
  25. https://hatswork.com/blog/2017/04/20/hatswork-roun dup-swag-giveaways/
  26. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/09/06/hatswork-roun dup-cannabis-promotional-products/
  27. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/11/01/hatswork-roun dup-outletic-apparel/
  28. https://hatswork.com/blog/2017/08/17/hatswork-roun dup-promotional-items-3/
Post date: 2018-12-27 08:00:20
Post date GMT: 2018-12-27 14:00:20

Post modified date: 2018-12-27 13:00:36
Post modified date GMT: 2018-12-27 19:00:36

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