
Branded Hats Are Not National #FakeNews

December 17, 2018 - By Emily Potter

Last week, we discussed local news sources and social media channels, and how to use branded hats to build brand loyalty with consumers of each.

Today, we’re looking at media with a much wider reach; some news outlets span a national (or even global) audience.

Mediums like CNN, NPR, USA Today, TIME Magazine, Buzzfeed, etc. will consume a tremendous number of promotional products, and Hatswork is here to help you get your piece of the pie.

Branded Hats for Print

It’s safe to say the majority of consumers get their news online these days. The internet has changed the way we absorb information. The most successful newspapers and magazines have adapted by providing digital subscriptions and web-exclusive content to complement their printed counterparts.

It’s important that you target all aspects of these brands: online and off. Walk into any bookstore or library and you’ll see hundreds of magazines and newspapers are still in print. These brands should thank their loyal readers for maintaining their print subscriptions in a digital world. They already have their subscribers’ mailing addresses, why not ship them a logoed cap for being a dependable buyer?

Additionally, they can use these hats to try to re-engage consumers who have canceled their subscription in the past few years. Send it along with the most recent publication and some information on all of the brand’s print and online subscription offerings.

Branded Hats for Television

Making your way through gatekeepers as a television network is not going to be easy. It is all about finding your way in to get a meeting with a potential buyer. Then, if you can wow them with your products and pitch and they give you a change, you have to over-deliver on both product quality and service.

Instead of trying win over an entire network, you can start smaller by working with specific show.

Talk shows use a lot of promotional products. They typically have live audiences five times a week, and they’ll give a gift or even an entire swag bag to everyone who attends, as well as the guests who appear on camera.

Talk shows can take many forms: afternoon TV like Dr. Phil and The Ellen Show; or late-night television like The Tonight Show or Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Of course, all networks and shows need to outfit their entire behind-the-scenes crews as well. The possibilities are practically endless.

Branded Hats

Branded Hats for Radio and Podcasts

Radio shows can use headwear as traditional marketing materials to gain listeners as well as include them in the swag bag they provide to new employees and interns behind the scenes of the show, as well as guests, and talent who appear on the show.

The most popular shows occur during specific times of the day. For instance, morning radio like The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show or The Bobby Bones Show air all over the country. Other popular time slots include midday, drive time, and late night.

If you have not yet jumped into the world of podcasting, it is similar to talk radio in that it is solely audio, the difference is, podcasts live on the internet instead of radio waves or frequencies. I, myself, subscribe to a few dozen that post weekly or more.

There are podcasts that are recorded in actual studios with professionals as well as amateur podcasters with a mic and a recording device. However, even the most mediocre of podcasts in terms of sound quality have some of the highest rates of listens and subscribes.

These just-starting-out podcasters will be the easiest for you to reach out to. They may not even have considered offering merch to their fans. You will be filling a need they were not even aware they had. Explain to them how offering branded products like caps can be one of their first opportunities to turn their hobby into a money-making venture.

Don’t forget to check out our last blog where we covered using branded hats for local and social media. And let us know what you think about this one in the comments below.

Emily Potter

Emily is the Content Marketer for Outdoor Cap Co. She holds an M.A. in AD & PR from the University of Alabama and a B.B.A in Marketing. Emily is an avid Crimson Tide football fan. She has a golden retriever named Opie Winston, and a cat named Tide.


Hatswork Round-Up: December 20, 2018


Hatswork Round-Up: December 13, 2018
