
Hatswork Round-Up: March 29, 2018

March 29, 2018 - By Emily Potter

In today’s Round-Up, we’re looking even further into three industries we’ve covered extensively in the past—real estate, education, and non-profits. Ironically, these were the same markets Outdoor Cap targeted with their first round of Business Development Kits.

Realtor Mag

Study: Promotional Giveaways Still Effective

Previously, we published two articles pertaining to the use of promotional products in the real estate market. One of these was specific to how realtors use them to gain the trust of their clients, as well as acquire new ones.

This article discusses how branded hats are kept for an average of 7 months, then passed on to a friend or family member, perhaps one in the market for a new home.


Market to the Collegiate Market

We’ve spent a lot of time discussing the education market at all levels—college, high school, and non-traditional learning.

This article specifies collegiate relations, but the lessons here can be used at all levels, and even beyond the education sector into other public businesses. These lessons include the following:

It’s important to know your buyers and build strong long-lasting relationships with them so that not only will they take you with them if they move to another company, but they will also pass along your contact information to their replacement during the transition of power and training process.

Promo Corner

Awareness Products: Promotion with a Mission

We’ve discussed using promotional caps to raise funds for charitable causes and give away or sell at events hosted by non-profits. This article reiterates that fact, but also goes into further detail about selecting the right product to complement the event and/or company.

Did you know millennials are more concerned with corporate responsibility and their workplace’s involvement in charitable causes than any generation before?

Have you checked out Outdoor Cap’s Business Development Kits yet? What do you think of them? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram using the hashtag #hatswork.

Emily Potter

Emily is the Content Marketer for Outdoor Cap Co. She holds an M.A. in AD & PR from the University of Alabama and a B.B.A in Marketing. Emily is an avid Crimson Tide football fan. She has a golden retriever named Opie Winston, and a cat named Tide.


How to Sell OneTouch Caps [Part 2]


How to Sell OneTouch Caps [Part 1]
