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Hatswork Round-Up: September 1, 2016

We kick off today by discussing how to make the most out of your promotional product investment 1, and how to use those promotional products to elicit an emotional connection with your customers.

All Business

Is Your Swag a Drag? 5 Tips to Make Your Promotional Giveaways Brag-Worthy 2

This article provides 5 tips for making the most out of your promotional products and freebies so that the end consumer will appreciate the gift and have a favorable opinion of your company.

The advice given is listed below, check out the full article for more details. Just in case you don't read the full article, know that number 3 on the list is referring to poorly made and ill-fitting caps that don't take into account the needs of the end user.

  1. Keep the implicit message of the branded product in mind.

  2. Don't devalue your brand with cheap promotional products.

  3. Consider evidence against giving away branded baseball caps.

  4. Choose swag that makes an emotional connection with your customers.

  5. Know your band and understand your audience. 3

Tulsa World

Expert Advice: “Are promotional products a good investments for my advertising dollars?” 4

This article, written by the owner of FPC Promotions 5, answers the question above with real-world examples and proven statistics. Did you know that 54% of individuals who receive a promotional item ultimately make a purchase with the company that gave it to them? The remaining 48%, you ask? They went on record saying they would be more likely to do business with the company in the future because of the gift they were given.

Promo Marketing

Promotional Products and How to Elicit an Emotional Response 6

This article brings us 5 tips to help tap into the emotions of end users. If a consumer has positive feelings about the promotional item they received, their feelings about your brand will only increase more. Touching your customers' heartstrings whether by taking them down memory lane or making them feel like a winner, will never be a bad idea. The blog's tips are listed below.

  1. Leverage Nostalgia 7

  2. Facilitate Sharing

  3. Add Personalization

  4. Commemorate Sentimental Occasions 8

  5. Choose a Winner

What are you doing to maximize your investment 9 in promotional products? Let us know in the comments below. You can also follow us on Instagram 10 using the hashtag #hatswork.
  1. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/04/09/promotional-h ats-finance-sector/
  2. https://www.allbusiness.com/swag-promotional-givea ways-107651-1.html
  3. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/01/15/promotional-h eadwear-technology-market/
  4. http://www.tulsaworld.com/communities/owasso/news/ business/expert-advice-are-promotional-products-a- good-investment-for-my/article_b38d376c-fee8-5350- 9f2d-24e522138359.html
  5. http://fpcpromotions.com/
  6. http://magazine.promomarketing.com/post/promotiona l-products-elicit-emotional-response/
  7. https://hatswork.com/blog/2016/06/06/evolution-of- the-hat-historical-timeline/
  8. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/01/08/sell-custom-c aps-tech-startups/
  9. https://hatswork.com/blog/2018/04/16/targeting-pro motional-hat-sales-financial-market/
  10. http://www.instagram.com/hatswork
Post date: 2016-09-01 08:03:28
Post date GMT: 2016-09-01 13:03:28

Post modified date: 2018-05-02 15:21:19
Post modified date GMT: 2018-05-02 20:21:19

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