Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:55:06 2025 / +0000 GMT

Why we created Hatswork

hatswork website launchWe are delighted to announce the launch of a new website, Hatswork.com! The website is dedicated to sharing the good news of headwear as a promotional and marketing tool for small, medium, and large businesses.

Hatswork.com is:

  • a resource for distributors and decorators in the promotional products industry to help sell promotional headwear

  • a place to help business consumers understand the value of caps and headwear as a tool to promote their business

We have built Hats Work as a long-term initiative to increase the awareness of the value of headwear as  marketing tool. The site has launched with several resources for customers and consumers and will be regularly updated with new information.

Just a few things you can expect to see from Hatswork in the next few weeks and months...

  • Selling resources - flyers, how-tos, and creative assets to help distributors and decorators put headwear top of mind for your customers and see the opportunity with great headwear in their business.

  • Case studies - see how others are selling headwear to institutional buyers in healthcare, education, government, auto, and more.

  • Business success stories - see how businesses in various industries have used headwear as a vital part of their marketing mix.

  • Training - around the business of selling headwear and the product itself.

  • Awareness building - through social media, content marketing, and media buys, we are putting the positive message of headwear's power as a promotional tool out to the masses.

Hatswork.com is a marketing initiative of Outdoor Cap Company, a U.S. based supplier of headwear. You can learn more about Outdoor Cap Company by visiting our website or watching the short video below.

Let us know what you think about Hatswork.com in the comments or use our contact form 1. You can also follow us on Instagram 2 using the hashtag #hatswork.
  1. http://hatswork.wpengine.com/contact/
  2. http://www.instagram.com/hatswork
Post date: 2016-02-20 14:18:01
Post date GMT: 2016-02-20 14:18:01

Post modified date: 2016-06-09 16:44:58
Post modified date GMT: 2016-06-09 21:44:58

Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:55:06 2025 / +0000 GMT
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